While it may be hard to believe given the amount of snow on the ground right now, I've just registered to ride this summer in the 30th Pan-Mass Challenge.
It's the granddaddy of all athletic fundraisers, and last year (my fifth year riding), we — that's about 5000 cyclists and I — raised $35 million for research and patient care provided at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute here in Boston. The PMC is a two-day, 200-mile bike ride (there are alternative routes and shorter distances, but I figure if I'm doing this, I might as well really do it), and I would greatly appreciate it if every person who reads this post would visit my PMC profile and make a donation — large or small — to this important cause.
Unfortunately, so many of us have been affected by cancer, and this is a chance to fight back.
Thanks to registration fees, donated goods and services, and low overhead, 100% of last year's donations went directly to the Dana Farber — so your support pays for nothing but the good work going on over there. Please donate what you can, and pass this along to anyone else who may be interested in supporting my ride, the PMC and the Dana Farber.
David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting
Congrats on signing up for the 30th anniversary PMC! Stay in touch with PMC news and riders through our new blog http://panmasschallenge.wordpress.com
Cheers! Stephanie