Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans (CO-OPs) -- the stealth public option under Obamacare -- were to be founded by providers,…
All aspects of health care delivery and financing are undergoing change at breakneck speeds. Even federal health care financing programs,…
The Society for Participatory Medicine released a report of a national survey today finding that a significant majority of Americans…
Your loyal HealthBlawger is pleased to acknowledge being included among the "Top 54 Healthcare Blogs to Read in 2016" by the…
At the recent J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, CMS Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt caught everyone's attention when he said: "The Meaningful Use…
I've been featured in a number of online and print outlets recently -- all related one one way or another to…
HHS is taking a cue from Horton (via Dr. Seuss): "I meant what I said, and I said what I…
The Federal Trade Commission convened a meeting in late 2014 to discuss the use of big data analytics, their benefits…
Here are the top ten (OK, eleven) health headlines we hoped to see in 2015 ... but didn't. There's always next year.…
Well, here we are. A newly-selected Speaker of the House, beholden to a right-wing minority faction, appears to have broken…