HealthBlawg Ranked Among Top Health Blogs

Your loyal HealthBlawger is pleased to acknowledge being included among the “Top 54 Healthcare Blogs to Read in 2016” by the good folks at the George Washington University – Milken Institute School of Public Health (this, after being listed among the school’s top 50 in 2014). HealthBlawg is in pretty good company: along with MSM giants, government agencies and associations, my fellow Health Wonks are well-represented, including Joe Paduda, Maggie Mahar, Paul Levy, David Williams, Jason Shafrin, Roy Poses, Hank Stern and Bob Laszewski (as is Health Wonk Review itself) — and fellow travelers including Brian Klepper, Kevin PhoJane Sarasohn-Kahn, Shahid Shah, Gregg Masters and the gang at The Health Care Blog. All of these blogs (and the others on the list) are worth following. I hope you have some time left in the day for other pursuits.

David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting

David Harlow

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David Harlow

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