At HIMSS 2019 I had the opportunity to be on the other side of the mic, as a guest on the Cerner podcast, Perspectives on Health and Tech.
I spoke about health data privacy and security, the need to treat HIPAA as merely a floor, and the need to prepare for the reality of the breach that each of us is likely to experience some day through data segmentation, data minimization, staff training and other fundamental strategies. Ultimately, though, these are all steps along the healthcare innovation pathway to achieving the quadruple aim: improving quality, reducing cost, improving population health and improving provider satisfaction.
In addition to this segment, I offered my perspectives on the HIMSS19 conference, talking about “the now and next” in health IT; I’m joined by two of my colleagues among the HIMSS social media ambassadors and I offer my $0.02 starting at about 12:45 in this episode:
Have a listen, and please let me know what you think about any or all of these issues.
Please check out my podcast as well: Harlow On Healthcare, on HealthcareNOW Radio.
David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting