Michael Planchart, aka @theEHRguy, put out the call last month for nominations to the #HIT100, intended to be a list of key health IT folk engaged in social media. The crowdsourced #HIT100 list — Michael tabulated the nominations — is posted on several blogs, including @nateosit's (linked to above). Keith Boone (aka @motorcycle_guy put together a twitter list of all #HIT100 nominees. (Nate and Keith both ended up near the top of this list.)
Update 7/25/2011: Nate reports that Keith's final list is more accurate.
Many folks I interact with on a regular basis on line and in real life are on this list, and I am honored to be included in it as well. (Check out this photo of Keith wearing a @reginaholliday jacket from The Walking Gallery at the tweetup I organized w @bobcoffield at the AHLA Annual Meeting in Boston last month; Nate was there too, along with a couple of the other #HIT100 honorees.)
I highly recommend checking out these tweetstreams for a window into the future of Health IT.
David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting
Thanks for spreading the word, David. If you look closely at Keith (@motorcycle_guy)in the picture with his @ReginaHolliday jacket, you’ll see me to his right.
I’m sending a jacket to Regina so that I can participate in the next #theWalkingGallery that precedes #health2con San Francisco.
I look forward to seeing you there.