Tom Stitt and Dana Lewis host a weekly "tweetchat" on healthcare communications and social media, known as healthsocmed or hcsm. Last night, Daniel Goldman, legal counsel at The Mayo Clinic, aka @danielg280, and I, aka @healthblawg, were lawyers-on-the-spot for a special legal edition. There were interesting questions raised regarding social media, patients, providers, privacy, HIPAA, and lots more. There were innumerable cross-conversations going on. One participant noted later that over 900 tweets had been posted in the #hcsm tweetstream in the hour or so allotted (about twice the usual volume), which made it impossible to follow all of them in real time, unfortunately. I had the chance to look over the stream afterwards, and offer some follow-up responses to questions not fully answered during the session.
@HITshrink posted some organized excerpts from the stream on his blog; check them out for a more orderly taste of the experience.
Kudos to Tom and Dana for making this happen.
David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting