Robert Ambrogi tagged me with the 5 blogs & 5 blawgers meme. The idea is to list five great non-law blogs and then tag five blawgers to do the same.

Here are five terrific blogs I read regularly, which skew to health care (natch):

Maggie Mahar's Health Beat
David Williams' Health Business Blog
Bob Laszewski's Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review
Paul Levy's Running a Hospital
Matthew Holt and friends' The Health Care Blog

I'm afraid I read more than five, but them's the meme's rules.  No offense meant to all the other terrific bloggers out there.

And I'm skewing away from health care (at least a little) to tag five blawgers — you're "it":

Bob Coffield, Health Care Law Blog
Carolyn Elefant, My Shingle
Robin Fisk, Managed Care Contracting & Provider Payment
Lee Gesmer, Mass Law Blog
Eric Turkewitz, New York Personal Injury Law Blog

David Harlow

David Harlow

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