Robert Ambrogi tagged me with the 5 blogs & 5 blawgers meme. The idea is to list five great non-law blogs and then tag five blawgers to do the same.
Here are five terrific blogs I read regularly, which skew to health care (natch):
Maggie Mahar's Health Beat
David Williams' Health Business Blog
Bob Laszewski's Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review
Paul Levy's Running a Hospital
Matthew Holt and friends' The Health Care Blog
I'm afraid I read more than five, but them's the meme's rules. No offense meant to all the other terrific bloggers out there.
And I'm skewing away from health care (at least a little) to tag five blawgers — you're "it":
Bob Coffield, Health Care Law Blog
Carolyn Elefant, My Shingle
Robin Fisk, Managed Care Contracting & Provider Payment
Lee Gesmer, Mass Law Blog
Eric Turkewitz, New York Personal Injury Law Blog
Many thanks, David.
Thanks David. I’ve done my part to spread the virus like meme on to others: