David Harlow JD MPH

David Harlow is a seasoned health care attorney and consultant recognized as an accomplished, innovative and resourceful thought leader in health care law, strategy and policy. His more than thirty years’ experience in the public and private sectors affords him a unique perspective on legal, policy and business issues facing the health care community. David has a passion for innovation, a preference for simplicity where feasible and a practical approach to crafting actionable solutions.

David serves as Chief Compliance & Privacy Officer at Insulet Corporation, with a broad range of responsibilities in the health care, privacy and compliance domains. Insulet produces innovative medical devices (pods) for tubeless subcutaneous delivery of insulin and other medications, with dosage and timing controlled by a handheld device.

Throughout his career, health care organizations — including providers, vendors, and payors — and other health care related businesses, of all shapes and sizes, have relied on him to help them navigate the maze of regulatory and business issues facing them on a daily basis.

David is adept at assisting companies in structuring their business organizations, relationships and processes, as well as approaches to individual transactions, administrative proceedings, formal and informal negotiations with regulatory agencies, and legislative strategies, so as to maximize the realization of organizational goals in a highly regulated environment. He has focused on matters including health care data privacy and security policy development and implementation under HIPAA and otherwise, counseling in the avoidance of fraud and abuse, facilities development, acquisition, disposition and financing, determination of need, licensure, certification, Medicare and Medicaid rate matters, and development of a broad range of policies and procedures to maintain compliance with health care regulatory requirements.

Before assuming his current role at Insulet, David founded and maintained The Harlow Group LLC, a boutique health care legal and consulting practice. Earlier in his career, David was a partner in the health law practice at a downtown Boston law firm.  Prior to that, he served as Deputy General Counsel of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

David is a charter member of the external Advisory Board of the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network, and has served as a member of the advisory board of FierceHealthIT and as Public Policy Chair of the Society for Participatory Medicine. He is a past member of the Health IT Standards Committee, Consumer Technology Workgroup (Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, US Dept. of Health & Human Services). He is a past President and Chairman of the Metropolitan Boston Emergency Medical Services Council and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the New England School of Acupuncture.  He also has served as the public member on the board of Affiliated Pediatric Practices, a group of pediatrics practices within the Partners Community Healthcare, Inc. (PCHI) network, as a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association Health Law Section Council and Law Practice Management Council, and as a co-chair of the American Health Lawyers Association Wiki Project Editorial Committee.

David lectures regularly on health law topics to attorneys and to health care providers. His award-winning blog, HealthBlawg :: David Harlow’s Health Care Law Blog, is nationally recognized as a leading health care law and policy blog. It was named one of the ABA Journal Blawg 100 in 2009, the only health care law blog ever so honored, and has been recognized twice as a Top Insurance Law Blog by LexisNexis, and as one of the Top Five Editors’ Picks by Healthline in 2011. HealthBlawg is the only active health law blog included in the Library of Congress’ Legal Blawg Archive. David is recognized as a leading authority in the field by Healthcare IT News, Fierce Healthcare, Medscape and Health Data Management.  Among other writings, he has authored a chapter of Applying Social Media Technologies in Healthcare Environments, published by HIMSS in 2014, and a chapter of the Massachusetts Health and Hospital Law Manual first published in 2004 by Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education. He was a co-founder of the Health Care Social Media Review, a blog carnival. He has taught Health Law and Business Ethics at The Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University, in the MD/MBA Dual Degree Program offered with Tufts University School of Medicine. He is quoted and featured regularly in the legal, business, health care and general press in connection with health care legal and policy matters.  He and his writing have been recognized with numerous awards.

You should follow him on Twitter.


Brown University, AB, with honors
Boston University School of Law, JD
Boston University School of Public Health, MPH