HIPAA Hour: Half-Price One-Hour Consultation for PatientPrompt Webinar Attendees

Thank you for participating in the Patient Prompt webinar on Patient Communications and HIPAA. My slides are embedded below, and you may read my introductory blog post here: Health Care Marketing and Communications in the Face of HIPAA. You will also receive a link to the audio and the slides from PatientPrompt (if you haven’t already).

See the livetweeted version of the presentation (thanks to Colin Hung).

I invite you to take a look at a broader introduction to my HIPAA compliance practice, which also includes a number of links of interest, and my blog posts about HIPAA and related issues.

As a bonus for webinar participants, I am pleased to offer a one-hour consultation at half price. To get started, please take a moment to do the following:

1. Pay $250 by credit card, using the firm’s secure payment processor (click on the payment link below, and note “PatientPrompt” in the “reference” field):

2. Fill out the contact form below, with as much detail as possible.

I will then contact you to schedule a telephone consultation.

David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting