The national debate on health care reform is currently focused on health insurance reform -- coverage, one of the proverbial…
The Massachusetts Division of Health Care Finance and Policy and the Attorney General's Office are holding three days of…
Just a few days before the comment period closed on the draft regulations defining meaningful use (see all meaningful use…
Ten years after the release of the IOM report To Err is Human, which documented the toll taken by medical…
What does a large health system CIO worry about if his system is already fully up to speed in the…
The HIMSS annual convention going on this week in Atlanta is a 30,000-person blowout of epic proportions (and, yes, there…
The OIG recently reviewed RAC performance to date in identifying fraud (vs. overpayment) and found the RACs wanting. To be…
MITA Executive Director Dave Fischer spoke with HealthBlawg last week about industry efforts to control radiation dose in diagnostic radiology…
Days of Future Passed (or: deja vu all over again). Late Friday, after business hours, CMS pushed the following announcement…
I will be presenting a talk today at the Business of Lawyering program at Western New England College's Law and…