Charlottesville, Health Reform and the GOP

8 years ago

45's public statements regarding Charlottesville are shocking, inexcusable, unforgivable, and members of the Republican establishment, inside and beyond the Beltway,…

Counting noses at the county level: Marketplace participation

8 years ago

There's good news, and there's bad news. The bad news is that as of this writing 40 counties (across Indiana,…

Keep it Clean: Ransomware and David Harlow in the Press

8 years ago

I wrote a piece for HealthTech recently, arguing that healthcare organizations must practice better data hygiene to stay ahead of…

Interoperability’s Second Act

8 years ago

The 21st Century Cures Act set the table for development of new interoperability standards, in the form of a "trusted…

Back to the Future: Before America was Great (Again)

8 years ago

LBJ supported the Great Society programs of the 1960s and got them through Congress doing what he did best: buttonholing…

Federal Health Care Cybersecurity Task Force Issues Recommendations for Industry

8 years ago

The Health Care Industry Cybersecurity Task Force has issued its Report on Improving Cybersecurity in the Health Care Industry. The…

Smile! Privacy Policy Snapshot ~ Model Privacy Notice

8 years ago

In thinking about patient privacy, many folks assume that HIPAA is the first and last word on the subject. Nothing…

Cybersecurity Reports and HIPAA Chat Webinar

8 years ago

Join me Thursday May 25, 2017 at 1 p.m. ET for the next edition of HIPAA Chat  (follow the link…

ACA Medicaid Expansion Is Not a State Budget Buster

8 years ago

Both proponents and opponents of Medicaid expansion under the ACA were concerned about the "woodwork" effect: The expectation was that…

Cybersecurity and Healthcare Panel Discussion with Government and Industry Experts

8 years ago

I recently moderated the Second Annual Cybersecurity and Healthcare panel discussion, produced by HITECH Answers, with some all-star panelists: Mac…