I look forward to seeing old friends and new at Stanford | MedicineX later this week. I’ll be giving an Ignite talk on Patient-Centered Health Information Exchange tied to work I’m doing with a client, Flow Health. For a preview of the general idea, see this short video on the Operating System for Value-Based Care.

Update 11/3/2015: Check out the Ignite! talk right here. The Ignite! format, for the uninitiated: Five minutes, twenty slides, auto-advancing every fifteen seconds. Less a conference talk than performance art. Enjoy:

If you’d like to follow along and take in the entire MedicineX experience from afar, the MedicineX live feed will be available – and there’s always #MedX on Twitter.

If you’re there, please say hi – you’ll recognize me by my Walking Gallery jacket, pictured above.

David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting

David Harlow

Published by
David Harlow

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