Next Thursday the HealthBlawger will hosting Health Wonk Review right here at HealthBlawg.
This edition will focus in part on:
- Irish-American heritage
- Women's history
- Kidneys
- Colorectal cancer
- Ancient Roman contributions to modern civilization
- Lions
Please submit your best examples of health wonkishness in these categories no later than 9 a.m. ET Wednesday February 26th, thank you (extra points for early submissions), and come back on the 27th to learn more than you ever wanted to know about health care policy … and to see the meaning of these categories revealed.
Please submit posts for consideration to me at david AT harlowgroup DOT net, re: HWR or Health Wonk Review, including blog title and URL, post title and URL, name of author if not you, and 25 words or less about the post.
David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting