HealthCamp Boston 2012 took place on Friday September 14. We had an energized group of over 130 campers in attendance.  The invitation to the unconference, highlighting issues we thought would be of interest, is posted at, as is a set of email interviews with some of the attendees. The day kicked off with brief "firestarter" talks given by Henry dePhillips of Audax Health and Martin Leach, CIO of the Broad Institute and "4×4" presentations – four slides in four minutes – from our sponsors. We then proceeded to build the schedule for the rest of the day. Video of the firestarter talks, the 4×4's, the end-of-day wrap-up session, and everything in between, are available on Ustream, on one of the four channels: HealthCamp Boston 01 HealthCamp Boston 02 HealthCamp Boston 03 HealthCamp Boston 04. Video of wrap-ups immediatelay after the breakout sessions is available on the HealthCamp Boston YouTube channel. The HealthCamp Boston twitter transcript is worth perusing as well. Update 9/25/2012: Check out the other HealthCamp Boston wrapups at and add your own if you were there.

This year's HealthCamp Boston led in to the weekend conference, Medicine 2.0.  We had numerous national and international campers who were in town for Medicine 2.0, which I attended as well. The open discussions on Friday helped create community among the Medicine 2.0 attendees at HealthCamp, and I was happy to see many campers hanging out together over the weekend.

I'll be blogging about Medicine 2.0 at HealthWorks Collective – See my posts on Day 1 and Day 2. You can read more about Medicine 2.0 at, in posts by Susannah Fox and Joe Graedon, and you can catch a slidecast of my presentation, Square Peg in a Round Hole: Data Privacy & Security Laws & Standards Meet Medicine 2.0, delivered while wearing my jacket from The Walking Gallery.

Finally, check out the Medicine 2.0 twitter transcript.

Thanks to Janice McCallum and Joe Cerro who were my key co-conspirators in organizing HealthCamp Boston, and of course to Mark Scrimshire and Maumi Chatterton of the HealthCamp Foundation for making the trains run on time.  Finally, thanks to all of the campers who participated, who made the day as wonderful as it was. 

David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting

David Harlow

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David Harlow

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