Tweetup at the AHLA Annual Meeting in Boston

Come join Bob Coffield (@bobcoffield) and me, together with other speakers, attendees and camp followers from the American Health Lawyers Association, for a tweetup next Tuesday, June 28, 2011, at 5:30 or so at BrasserieJO, at the Colonnade Hotel, 120 Huntington Avenue, Boston.  We hope to introduce the AHLA to some members of Boston's Health 2.0 community and other folks interested in all (or some) things healthcare, legal and/or social media.

Check out the TwtVite, let us know if you'll be joining us, and spread the word.

As Bob posted earlier today:

The TWEETup follows an afternoon of health care social media and the law sessions held as a part of the AHLA Annual Meeting. For full details of the sessions and registration information check out the AHLA Annual Meeting schedule here (PDF version).The sessions run from 2pm – 5:30pm and will include:

A Legal Ethics Safety Line for Health Lawyers Online: How to Practice Safe Social Networking
Alan S. Goldberg (@GoldbergLawyer) , Annie Hsu

E-Discovery Litigation
Gary L. Kaplan (@Gary_L_Kaplan), Joshua P. Kubicki (@JKubicki)

Cutting the PowerPoint Clutter: Using Zen-Like Visuals for more Compelling and Memorable Presentations
Susan Peterson

Should Health Lawyers Use Social Media?
 David Harlow (@HealthBlawg)

HIPAA Privacy Issues in Social Media
Jodi Goldstein Daniel (@JodiDaniel), Daniel S. Goldman (@danielg280)

How to Use Social Media
 Robert L. Coffield (@BobCoffield), David Harlow (@HealthBlawg), Gary L. Kaplan (@Gary_L_Kaplan)

Triaging Social Media in the Healthcare Workplace: Assessment, Analysis and Action
Mark W. Peters

See you there! 

David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting

David Harlow

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David Harlow

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