David Harlow Presents Social Media Session at American Health Lawyers Association Annual Meeting

I am speaking today at the American Health Lawyers Association annual meeting on the uses of social media by attorneys. I am sharing two versions of my slides from this session: one that is text-rich and full of useful links, and one that is much nicer to look at and more engaging for a live audience. Enjoy one or both, and let me know what you think in the comments.  If you are off-site, please tweet a shout-out to me @healthblawg tagged #AHLABoston a little after 3 p.m. ET, so we can show the folks in Boston the reach of Twitter, and let us know where you're tweeting from.

For those of you in Boston today – whether you're at the AHLA conference or not – we are having a tweetup after the social media sessions wrap up at 5:30 or so, at Brasserie Jo, a short walk from the conference hotel. Check out the details on the #AHLABostonTweetUP (and the social media sessions), and we hope to see many of the local health care digerati there. Please join us, whether you're a health care lawyer, whether you love 'em or hate 'em, or if you're involved in health care, health IT, health care social media or any related field of interest.

Follow the tweets from the annual meeting at #AHLABoston, and tweets from the tweetup at #AHLABoston or #AHLABostonTweetUP.  For an archived set of most of the tweets, see #AHLABoston on Cover It Live.

Hope to see you there.

David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting

David Harlow

Published by
David Harlow

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