Blog Carnivals; next Health Wonk Review right here on April 15

This week, health reform looms large in the minds of blog carnival hosts.  Evan Falchuk's health reform edition of Grand Rounds is up at his See First blog.  Rich Elmore hosts the current Health Wonk Review at his Healthcare Technology News (check out the flying pigs photos and more; cf. the HealthBlawger's "First Hundred Days" edition of Blawg Review for another reference to flying pigs).

The next edition of Health Wonk Review will be hosted right here on April 15th.  The themes we will be exploring in that biweekly exegesis of health wonkery include the following:

  • Metaphors
  • Lying
  • Song (esp. the blues)
  • Art (esp. painting, drawing)
  • Inventors and their contraptions
  • Fast food
  • Liberation
  • Cosmetic surgery/medical spas
  • Impressionist 19th century novels
  • Immenseness
  • Mortality
  • Racial integration

And of course …

  • Death and
  • Taxes

Please submit your best examples of health wonkishness in these categories no later than 9 a.m. EDT Wednesday April 14th, thank you (extra points for early submissions), and come back on the 15th to learn more than you ever wanted to know about health care policy … and to see the meaning of these categories revealed.

(Submit via Blog Carnival or via email to david AT harlowgroup DOT net, re: HWR or Health Wonk Review, including blog title and URL, post title and URL, name of author if not you, and 25 words or less about the post.)

And finally, a bit of fun for April Fools Day.

David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting

David Harlow

Published by
David Harlow

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