"Ed." — the anonymous editor of Blawg Review — is on the road again.
Criss-crossing the continent, Ed. has been popping up here and there. Follow his peregrinations via @blawgreview on twitter and at Blawg Review.
Jay Shepherd (@jayshep), Chris Mirabile (@cmirabile) and I responded to Ed.'s last-minute tweetup call to "get gruntled" last night (a wry reference to Jay's blog) at a Beacon Hill watering hole. (Ironically, or perhaps by design, we did not meet at the more famous watering hole nearby, "where everybody knows your name.") Waitstaff in what I can only describe as post-modern attire, and a bachelorette party further back in the bar, did not distract us from engaging in a close examination of the state of the blawgosphere, and the nature of being anonymous, with Ed. (He introduced himself: "Hi, I'm Ed." Really.) Check out the photographic evidence — that's Jay and me bellying up to the bar with Ed.
Despite Ed.'s invitation to get "way gruntled," the libations, the oddly-attired denizens of the watering hole, and a host of other factors, we managed to part ways at evening's end each under his own power, and without my having to add any transgressions to the bucket list du jour: misdeeds to repent for as we approach Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, which begins at sundown tonight.
May you all be sealed in the Book of Life. Ed., I really don't know how that works for the anonymous among us. Good luck.
David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting