Joe Paduda does a great job pulling together the best of recent policy posts from…
The saga continues in our nation's capital, and Kent Garber of US News &World Report provided a roundup of the current state of health care reform this Tuesday — encompassing the positions of the President, the Blue Dogs, the CBO, Speaker Pelosi, Sen. Baucus, and a raft of other Congressional committee leaders — as the deadlines for legislative action are extended further and further out. We discussed the issues last week, and he quoted me briefly in his article.
David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting
Healthcare NOW Radio Podcast Network · Harlow on Healthcare
In this episode I speak with Ryne Natzke, Chief Revenue Officer of TrustCommerce, a Sphere…
Natalie Davis, CEO of United States of Care, returned to Harlow on Healthcare to discuss…
If the EHR is the system of record, then Lumeon is the system of action.…
Blockchain in healthcare? Well, it can solve some problems. Have a listen to my conversation…
Joel Diamond, Chief Medical Officer at 2bPrecise, speaks with me about bringing genetic testing information…