Health Wonk Review: Watchmen edition, up at MedicaidFrontPage

Brady Augustine's Watchmen edition of Health Wonk Review, up at MedicaidFrontPage, ties the current fortnight's health wonkery to the characters of a limited-edition comic book series about to be released as a movie.  The HealthBlawger's post on PHRs is linked to Ozymandias:

Ah, PHRs … they are kind of like Ozymandias in that he is one of the smartest persons on the planet and he thought he was a good guy but actually was a bad guy … who knows in the murky world that is Watchmen? Same with PHRs, they promise a lot but have delivered little to date … who knows in the murky world that is HIT? Only time will tell.

I don't know comic books (or graphic novels), but I do know Shelley's sonnet, Ozymandias, which is about a colossal statue of Ramesses II (and the transience of vainglorious humanity, like all good sonnets not written about love)….  I saw a lot of colossal statues of Ramesses II on a trip through Egypt a long time ago, including my favorites at Abu Simbel, but I never would have made a connection between him and PHRs before today.  I guess I'll have to ponder the meaning of all that, and maybe write a sonnet about it.

The next edition of Health Wonk Review will be right here at HealthBlawgRead some sonnets, watch some movies, do whatever you need to do prepare yourself, and send in your finest posts (iambic pentameter not required, but … surprise me).  See you then if not before.

David Harlow
The Harlow Group LLC
Health Care Law and Consulting

David Harlow

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David Harlow

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